In the event that a student should not pass a course and need to go to summer school Frassati Catholic High School will accept credit from other approved schools. A list of approved schools is provided below.
Summer school is strictly for the purpose of credit recovery. Credit will not be accepted for classes that a student may choose to take over the summer for enrichment purposes.
Students may not challenge or test out of a course by going to summer school. Summer school is strictly for credit recovery.
All of the summer programs listed below are co-ed, including Strake Jesuit and St. Thomas. The schools listed will not accept students into a particular course if they haven’t attempted it during the school year and failed it. Students are not permitted to take a course for the sake of improving an already passing grade. As part of the registration process, students should be prepared to provide an official Frassati Catholic High School report card or transcript to the summer school administration in order to gain admittance.
Students are required to submit to the administration of Frassati Catholic High School an official transcript indicating that the student has passed the course with a grade of 70% or better by August 1 in order to continue in our academic program.
Each of the schools below will have their own rules for the summer program. Parents must check with the school in question at the time of registration.